Something for the Weekend: Dating Dog-lovers, Comic Conventions and Operation Halloween: Your W/E to-do list…

Lovestruck Goes BowlingJoin us for Lovestruck goes Bowling, Sun 27 Oct – a night of fun and flirting (and a healthy bit of competition) at a private bowling alley in Holborn. Ladies tickets now SOLD OUT! Gents, BOOK NOW for one of the last remaining tickets!

Dating a dog lover can be difficult (especially if you’re more of a cat person), which is why our ‘pals’ at The Bluffer’s Guide are here to help you compete with (wo)man’s best friend. There are an estimated 8.5 million dogs in the UK, meaning that your chances of running into one are pretty high. And if you’ve borrowed your neighbour’s dog to walk around the local park on a Saturday morning, you’ll be surprised how many other disappointed Friday-night daters will be doing the same so paws here and have a read…

Next up, we’re taking you to the theatre. But before you reach for your high society dining jacket, you might want dig out your scrubs instead. The Old Operating Theatre, Southwark, is the oldest surviving operating theatre in Europe. And, with Halloween on the approach, now would be a good time to visit. So if you have a strong stomach, book yourselves some tickets for Surgical Horrors: The Operated Body in Horror Films and Literature. This includes film clips from classic horror scenes including Frankenstein and all the gory details from Professor Ian Conrich and Justin D Edwards.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Comic Con, Europe’s biggest comic convention! Taking over the Excel Centre expect all your favourite characters, special talks, stalls, memorabilia and plenty of photo ops with the stars. Bonus points for those who dress up!

The next Lovestruck Laissez-Faire is at Carbon Bar, Thurs 31 Oct. All you need to know is that over 500 Lovestruckers and their single pals will be at our freakishly fun and free-for-all-to-attend Lovestruck Halloween Special! So tell all your single friends/colleagues and join us for a drink or two at London’s hottest free Halloween ticket in town.

With a miming action asking if you’d like a beer,

The Lovestruck Lovebot

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