You can’t hurry love. Or can you?


Speed dating. Love it or hate the concept it’s still as popular with singles as it was when it first hit Beverly Hills in 1998.

Lovestruck has brought a new speed dating event as far as New Delhi don’t you know – and it’s going down a storm, particular with twenty-something singles. But rather than us waxing lyrical, let’s talk to the ‘too fabulous to be single’ Payal who has recently been there and got the t-shirt.

“For modern busy singles in the big and vibrant city, exploring alternative over ‘traditional’ routes of meeting other singles, speed dating by Lovestruck felt refreshing. In a city of 19 million, with more than 50 percent youth population, it’s surprising the concept hasn’t caught up”, – says Payal, so I rocked up to the new Lovestruck SD 1.0 speed dating event, ordered my favourite tipple and relaxed into my chair.

It’s quite flattering (and lets face it – boosts the ego) to flirt and receive interest from lots of different guys, especially when some wanted to go beyond 5 minutes and found it hard to end the conversation! I enjoyed receiving the attention and engaged in meaningful conversation with some of the guys after the event too. Seven matches in all! Ain’t that good odds for one evening? And guess who went out on an amazing first date this week!? I’ll keep you posted…

Fancy speed dating? Here are a few speedy tips to get you going:

1. Dress Up
If it is a speed dating event, treat it like a one to one date. Dress up. Brush your teeth. Smell nice.  Casual smart chic is just what you we should be looking at achieving.

2. Be yourself. Think about this. You might end up dating with one of the singles your speed date you meet that night and it might be difficult to explain later how come you rocked up in a beaten up driving Renault while you mentioned you have an Aston Martin. No whopping or white lies please. And make sure you come up with a short and witty self-introduction in advance so that you will not spend the precious seconds thinking about what to say. ‘Loner, loser complicated wreck’ ain’t it. Oh it is? OK, lie about this one.

3. Observe
Actions speak louder than words. So do the gestures, the posture, intonation and the outfit. Even if you are a chatterbox, try to shurrup and  listen. Don’t look bored and there’s no time or excuse to play with your phone, we don’t care how fast you text. Turn it off.

4. Easy breezy
Keep the conversation light and casual. No matter how much you want to share your opinions on Brexit or Trump`s policy, politics, like exes are a no go zone.

5. Enjoy!
You’ve come to a speed dating event to meet people and have fun. Do not take it too seriously – it is not a job interview. It will be good enough to meet new people and mix with a fun crowd afterwards. Even if your first speed meet does not lead to a romantic first date, practice makes perfect so that when your Mr or Mrs Right shows up, you will be 100% ready!










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