11 first date questions he’ll love


So you’ve got a hot date lined up. You know where you’re going, what you’re wearing but maybe you’re wondering what to talk about or hell, what to ask him?

Steer away from the usual boring first date quizzing, get the drinks flowing and really get to know him with our eleven clever little questions. He’ll probably enjoy answering them too…

1. What’s the wildest craziest thing you’ve ever done? This gives him the opportunity to brag a bit while you get to see if he’s YOUR kind of crazy.

2. What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?  You’ll learn what sort of situations he may have got himself into (er, taxi?) and how he handled it while he once again gets to brag about how brave he was considering there were fifteen of them…

3. What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?  If he’s smart, he won’t say boobs, but his answers will let you know what type of guy he is  (if he says eyes, flutter lashes for all you’re worth)

4. Who is you biggest hero? This can be fictional or real but it gives you a really interesting insight into who or what he deems heroic – those possessing power and strength or those who boast wit, wisdom, creativity or compassion?

5. Who was your first crush, real or fictional? A cute fun little question he’ll probably laugh about while you get an idea of the sort of woman he first went for and why.

6. Which movie(s) made you weepy? Again, his answers will be quite revealing. If he admits to weeping over Marley & Me, E.T or Bambi, it suggests he’s soppy at heart (and we all like an animal/alien lover) in fact, admitting to being moved to tears by any movie is a good thing. Be wary the man who never shed a tear to anything though…he’s either building up an ’emotional dam’ or lacking compassion…

7. What achievement are you most proud of?  This will show what’s important to him, what his talents might be and gives him a chance to chat about himself and just how clever he thinks he is.

8. Best place you’ve travelled or want to travel?  You’ll be able to tell if you’re on the same holidays page with these answers. He he answers SAS-style boot camp in Siberia, we’re guessing he’s at the extreme end of challenging himself physically and mentally – not so hot if you’re a ‘gazing at a beautiful sunset over cocktails’ kinda girl or love roasting your chill-axed bones on a beach…

9. What top 5 traits in a partner are important to you? If these are all physical, you’re probably dealing with someone a little bit superficial and someone who’s not seriously considering a long-term partner just yet. Hopefully, he’ll rate things like kindness or loyalty and hopefully they will be a good match with yours.

10. Your idea of romantic heaven is…How romantic is he? Does his idea of heaven include his partner/date or just him? Does it match your own or fill you with heart-stopping dread…?

11. Where would you like to be in 10 years? See what we did there? If he says married with kids, this is good. Be wary if he shrugs or mentions inhabiting a remote island living off beetles. Equally, if suggests he’d like to be playing the field with some blonde hotties half his age…you know what to do. Taxi!

 Tip: Be prepared for him to turn these questions back on you!

Any other fun questions you can think of for a first date?  Tell us @Lovestruck



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