Is your love life going up in smoke?

Today is No Smoking Day, which aims to give people a kickstart when it comes to kicking HeartFagthe habit.

We all know that quitting is good for our bank balances and our health, with recent stats suggesting that by quitting, smokers could increase their life expectancy by up to 16 years. But if you are a smoker, what does this mean when it comes to your dating life?

I have friends who smoke and have partners who do and don’t smoke and it doesn’t seem to be an issue. I also have mates of both sexes who wouldn‘t go near a smoker, often because they have quit and they fear that a cheeky post-coital fag might lead to another and then to another and sometimes because they think it’s ‘gross’ and tastes or smells bad.

Is smoking a deal breaker for you? Or do you smoke
and find it isn’t an issue when it comes BreakFagto attracting people?

One recent survey said that three-quarters of people aged between 18 and 24 would not kiss someone who had just smoked. And half the 1,700 people, who were questioned for the Department of Health, said they would think twice before starting a relationship with someone who smoked.

So it seems pretty clear that if you smoke, it might make it harder for you to meet someone. But if you are a smoker, would you want to date a fellow smoker? One study back in 2010 suggests that even smokers prefer dating non-smokers. Almost four in five male smokers and 87 per cent of female smokers who were surveyed said they would rather date a non-smoker.

If you’re a fan of the fags and are tempted to try and quit there is more good news: it is good for your sexual health. You know the bedroom scene in films when the couple has hot sex then shares a cigarette? That might not be the reality. In 2011 a UK study found that men who’ve quit smoking have better overall sexual health than who continue to light up, according to the British Journal of Urology International.    TheEndFags

Is smoking a deal-breaker for you?

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