12 Fun Kissing Facts

‘It’s in his kiss, that’s where it is!’ In the words of Cher, there is a lot more to the common smooch than we may think. As everyone knows – the better the kissing; the better the sex. Why is that?

Disney have provided some of the most iconic kisses of all time.

Disney providing some of the most iconic kisses of all time.

Here are some fun and interesting facts for you to ponder on…

1. A first kiss can make or break a relationship. Ever locked lips with someone and thought it felt ‘just right’? You’re not going mad; kissing allows us to find someone we are genetically compatible with. And then you produce wonderfully clever, beautiful offspring who hardly ever get the flu (or something along those lines).

2. Full-on French kissing is like an aerobic work out for the face, using 34 muscles and burning 6.4 calories a minute. Extra Hob Nob anyone?

3. The insulting phrase ‘Kiss my ass’ dates back to at least 1705. Why didn’t they teach us that sort of stuff in history lessons at school?

4. Kissing actually transfers hormones from one person to the other. So a man passes on testosterone through his saliva to increase arousal in the woman. Sounds a bit icky but feels great.

5. Remember during Pretty Woman when Vivian (Julia Roberts) tells Edward (Richard Gere) she wouldn’t kiss him? The reason prostitutes are said to not kiss their clients is so they don’t bond with them or get emotionally attached.

6. Whether it a proper smooching session or a peck on the cheek, the average person spends 20,160 minutes of their lifetime kissing. Wows!

7. In February this year a Thai couple broke the Guinness World Record for the longest kiss. It lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds, smashing the last record by 8 hours. Is anyone else wondering whether they were allowed loo breaks?!

8. Be careful where you kiss. People in Cedar Rapids, Iowa are not allowed to kiss strangers, while according to Indiana law, it is illegal for men with moustaches to ‘habitually kiss human beings’. Good law, we think, especially when the ‘tache exhibits the remnants of last night’s dinner.

9. The condition or appearance of your partner’s teeth plays a defining factor in whether you kiss them or not. Scrub, floss and whiten people!

10. A survey once revealed that a woman kisses an average of 17.5 men before settling down, while a man kisses 24 women. It also revealed that North-Easterners were most likely to say they thought they were good kissers (69.7 percent), but Southerners were more likely to have been told that they were good kissers (88.9 percent). Interesting!

11. Kissing can boost your immune system, all without a prescription from the doctor (unless he/she is hot, in which case,…)

12. Like snowflakes and fingerprints, no two lip impressions are the same.

Is kissing your favourite pastime? Any other facts you would like to add to our little list? Tell us @lovestruck

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